by Matt Hoffman, staff reporter
Based on the popular movie, “Back to the Future”, “Rick and Morty” is about an old scientist and his grandson who travel across the universe completing tasks just for the benefit of the scientist.
The co-creators Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland were approached by Adult Swim for ideas for a new show that they can pretty much call their “Simpsons.” Later, the idea of Doc and Marty transformed into one of Adult Swim’s best rated shows. Rick and Morty first aired on December 2nd, 2013.
The show was first pitched as a short to a non-profit short film festival called Channel 101, under the name of “Doc and Mharti,” by Roiland. This was also during the time Harmon was working on an abundance of short films such as “Water and Power” and “The Most Extraordinary Space Investigations.” This lead the two of them to work together, and eventually become long time friends.
From one small idea, Rick and Morty has turned into a very large process. Animation for the show is done using Toonboom software and Adobe After Effects by Starburns Industries and Bardel Entertainment. Then, when writing is taking place, the staff wants to make sure the show moves more organically, so they make sure that there is no precise story arc. Same thing goes for the scripting; to make sure the script moves more organically, the staff makes sure to use a method called “retro scripting.” This is when the actors are given an outline of what the character is supposed to say and ad-lib the dialogue.
“After about two seasons of work I would say Rick and Morty has done pretty well for itself. What’s good about the show is that they take a different approach on comedy with more of an improved kind of feel instead of a well scripted situation,” senior Yareth Daniel said.
For a show that has been on the air for almost 2 years, it seems to have gathered a rather large fan base. Due to the fans’ feedback, Rick and Morty has been renewed for a 3rd season, has a comic book adaptation published by Oni Press, and was able to be the first show to ever premiere on Instagram.