“Sometimes there are social conflicts that can affect people a lot, and there is so much pressure to get good grades to do well and make a good living in the future that can really affect teens in a negative way,” freshman Danielle Catapano said.

by Anthony Iannelli, ninth grade contributor
Teens all over the world deal with stress and anxiety. The main cause of this is none other than school. In high school, one of the main stresses for students is the regents.
If teens fail the regents for a specific class, one of the things that will happen is that they will have to retake the course they have failed. Another stress is that if they fail a semester in a class in highschool, then they have no other choice than to go to summer school. This practically ruins many teenagers summers, according to students.
“School makes teens stressed because they are graded on their work more than what they actually learned,” freshman Irene Konnaris said.
“Sometimes there are social conflicts that can affect people a lot, and there is so much pressure to get good grades to do well and make a good living in the future that can really affect teens in a negative way,” freshman Danielle Catapano said.
Both of these teens agree with school causing stress in many ways, as do most teens. But there is more to include. The way teens are raised can also affect their stress levels.
Teens who were raised in bad ways to have increased stress levels. Some information about these stress levels are that American teens are even more stressed than adults. Proof of this is that while adults rate their stress at a 5.1 on a 10 points scale teens rate their stress levels at 5.8.
16 percent of teens say their stress levels declined in the past year, while 31 percent say their stress has increased in the past year. 42 percent of teens say that they’re not doing enough to manage their stress or they’re not sure if they’re doing enough.
Another factor that gives teens anxiety is not just the regents, but grades in general. Grades are subjective according to some students, and they make teens stress because they are worried they won’t make it in life if they don’t get good grades. So school does make many teens stressed, and these teens should be helped.