As the school year continues, work is piling up, and exams are expected soon. In most classes, teachers give students homework after a lesson, which is expected to be done independently in order for students to comprehend what they’ve been taught.
However, the workload of homework on top of classwork, extracurriculars, and other classes can be overwhelming, which is why teachers should not give students homework.
On top of this, many students have other priorities like jobs and college classes, which is why students don’t have time to get their homework done. Mentally, this can cause students to be stressed and overwhelmed with the work and other responsibilities they have.
WJPS 11th grader Brianna Limandri said, “I think there should be no homework because depending on the amount, it can take hours or even longer if you don’t understand it, which can build up stress. Also, I have other priorities, like my job, to take into consideration.”
WJPS 7th grader Nicholas Georgiou said, “Having homework can be helpful since I can practice what I learned independently, but it can be annoying because I have other classes and outside activities to do.”
To resolve this ongoing debate, creating a survey will let students decide whether they should be given homework or not.