Season six of Cobra Kai was released in July of last year. The show, which is a spin off of the Karate Kid movies, begins with a character named Miguel who was being picked on in school which leads him to pick up karate.
Johnny Lawerence, an old Cobra Kai student, decided to bring the dojo, which is a karate studio, back to life, but as a sensei. A sensei is a teacher in the karate studio. He taught Miguel all of the Cobra Kai strategies and techniques that he knew as a teenager.
Lawrence’s archrival, Daniel LaRusso, found out about the reopening. Daniel proceeded to re-open up his old dojo named Miyagi-Do. Their students become enemies just off of the true rivalry of their dojos and senseis.
As the seasons progressed, Johnny and Daniel started becoming friends. They soon created a dojo together.
In Season six, Johnny and Daniel came together as one dojo, Cobra Kai, to try and win the Sekai Takai tournament over the Iron Dragons.
WJPS 12th grader Dylan Ciardiello said, “Cobra Kai was a great show and I watched all six seasons. The plot just grew better as the show went on.”
WJPS 12th grader John Mihalios said, “Season six was the most exciting season of the entire show.”