Deaths from driving could be prevented if drivers were trained more. According to the Center for Disease Control, motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death in The United States.
A way New York can create better drivers is by making the driving test with an instructor stricter.
This would prevent unskilled individuals from obtaining licenses as well as encourage people to get more practice.
It is already difficult for adolescents to be on the road considering their limited experience driving.
While it is possible to learn digitally, students wouldn’t get feedback on their driving skills and know what they’re doing wrong.
WJPS teacher Mr. Reff said, “I think driver’s licenses are handed out. The government doesn’t care about the people. Bad drivers get more tickets, which means more money for the government.”
WJPS teacher Mrs. Laverda said, “I agree. I believe that based on my experience, rules have changed, and you can get a license easier with less hours and practice. That makes the roads unsafe. Kids under 18 need more practice and should train with a licensed instructor in a special car.”