2025 arrived with winter weather. Weather reports show that 2025’s weather mimics patterns of La Nina.
La Nina weather refers to colder temperatures and drier conditions, while its counterpart, El Nino, is the opposite, with it bringing warmer and wetter weather.
The Blazer’s newest feature allows readers to check the weather and temperatures for the week, as well as every hour on the website. This makes it possible for users of the website to check the weather while browsing articles simultaneously.
WJPS 12th grader, Aisha Ismail, said, “I wish it was warmer because the cold weather can be harder to deal with. I go to tennis practice and the cold weather makes it harder for me to focus on the game.”
WJPS 12th grader, John Tavolacci, said, “I don’t like cold weather, because I can’t play as many sports outside. I’d prefer it to be warmer soon.“
“Satellite Sees a Sharp Line in Weather Today” by NASA Goddard Photo and Video is licensed under CC BY 2.0.