The gothic novel written by Mary Shelley is coming once again to theaters in 2025. It will be directed by Guillermo del Toro.
This movie is going to be a sequel of the original Frankenstein and is going to take place 40 years after the suspected death of the Frankenstein Monster.
This movie will be rated R and will be able to be seen globally on Netflix and in theaters.
WJPS 12th grader Jordan Juarez stated, ”I love the concept of the Frankenstein trilogy. It connects to some of my favorite games like Frank from Brawl stars, but I like the gothic feel and the story of Frankenstein and most likely will watch it.”
WJPS 12th grader Avery Earls stated, “I know of the movie, but I haven’t actually taken time to watch it, lowkey just isn’t for me, but I’m always open to watching new movies.”
“Frankenstein” by twm1340 is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.