Many high schools teach students at least one foreign language class. At WJPS, the only foreign language class offered is Spanish.
However, languages like Mandarin, Italian, French, Greek, or German can be very important to learn because we live in a diverse community where these languages are spoken every day. This should encourage WJPS to teach more foreign languages other than Spanish.
Many students native language is Spanish, and yet they are still required to take Spanish. Spanish should be an elective class so students could choose what language they would like to take.
WJPS Spanish teacher Mr. Reff said, “Absolutely, language is the most beneficial and practical class. It can be any language like Korean because we have a big Korean population, as well as Chinese.”
WJPS 11th grader Valery Cardona said, “I think we should have other foreign classes other than Spanish because some students already speak Spanish and I feel like they should have the opportunity to learn new languages.”
Teaching more foreign languages can help students learn about different cultures and by knowing more than one language would be helpful for future jobs.