Judging by the first episode in season nine of Two and a Half Men, Charlie Sheen is no longer winning.
Ashton Kutcher, formally known as Kelso on That 70’s Show, replaced the famous Charlie Sheen on Two and a Half Men. Kutcher set out to prove that Two and a Half Men will go on. Sheen fans, like sophomore, Mariana Krslovic, don’t want it to.
“I know it’s a little soon for me to judge Ashton Kutcher’s performance, but I want Charlie Sheen back. His performance made that show what it was, and he’s what made the show so well known.” l
During the ninth season’s first episode where Kutcher first appeared, writers made Sheen’s character die from “accidentally” falling in front of a train. Coincidentally this happened after his alleged fiance caught him cheating.
During the funeral, people that were present didn’t seem to be in mourning. If anything, they were naming the bad characteristics of Charlie, and not the good. Even his mother started talking about open house times during the recession. When Charlie’s brother Alan spilt Charlie’s ashes on the living room floor was when Kutcher’s character Walden first appeared.
According to Entertainment Weekly, ratings have been dropping for the show since Kutcher was put on the cast. However, even if the ratings went down, there were still seventeen million views.
“I think he plays the Walden role very good, I’ve loved him since That’s 70’s Show. But in all honesty, Charlie Sheen was th main character, and things won’t be the same without him.” says sophomore, Christine Martucci.