Having homework can be something productive students can do over the breaks they receive throughout the school year.
Some enjoy homework over the break, but most don’t as they are supposed to be on a complete break from school.
Homework has amazing benefits, but there are many times when students are given multiple assignments to do over the breaks. This can be stressful as most students are trying to relieve their minds after a stressful week, but instead have to complete all these assignments over the breaks.
Students should be able to enjoy breaks without having homework stress them out more. The best way for them to have a relaxing, peaceful break is to not have any homework.
WJPS 12th grader, Demian Kwon said, “No, because it distracts them during their break time and causes stress when they are supposed to be taking a break from school.”
WJPS 12th grader, Alejandro Ortiz Jr said, “I feel that students shouldn’t have homework over the break because we already work hard during school days. A break should be used as a break and not a time to be doing more work.”
“Chemistry Homework” by bgilliard is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0