Many students have expressed a desire for fruit punch in the cafeteria.
Adding a juice option to the milk and water options already available, can give students more motivation to have a more energetic approach to completing schoolwork as they may feel even more rejuvenated after lunch than before.
WJPS 12th grader, Carlo Rolleri said, “I think it’s a great idea, we go through extremely long school days, which can be praised with a good pick me up of a delicious fruit punch.”
WJPS 12th grader, Abihail Luque said, “I always have to bring my beverages to school, having juice in the cafeteria will encourage me to come to school on time and motivate me to get through the school day.”
Adding fruit punch to the drink options will prove beneficial as more students will have a more energetic and alert approach to the second half of their school day.