Senior prom is an event that high school students all across the world get to experience at the end of their final year of high school. WJPS conducts the event every year during May or June often at the Crest Hollow Country Club.
While the prom itself generates excitement, the event’s preparations are what stress students out. Students are enlisted to pay for their tickets for the prom by December 4th. Life could change in the blink of an eye, meaning students’ situations regarding bringing a date could change.
WJPS 12th grader Punnpa Lou said, “I think it’s pretty rushed. I don’t get why they’re rushing us to pay really quickly online. It says you can pay by February. I really think we shouldn’t pressure kids to pay so early because things could change. It should be flexible but we should still be setting a timeline that’s not too soon, not too late.”
WJPS 12th grader Nathaniel Granger said, “I think the prom payment deadline has its advantages and disadvantages and one of the disadvantages is the amount of time to pay for it so families who don’t have extra cash have difficulty with it, it’s kind of a double-edged sword.”
WJPS has resolved the issue by using the students’ payments for the deposit for the venue, and having students pay for their dates later in the year, and put that money towards other expenses such as the DJ, photo booth, and the raffle.