The show Zoey 101 has a sequel: Zoey 102. The movie continues the story of Zoey Brooks (Jamie Lynn Spears) and her friends Quinn Pensky (Erin Sanders) and Chase Matthews (Sean Flynn).
Zoey 102 was released in July. The show of Zoey 101, released on January 9th, 2005, was sequenced because the story left some fans with a feeling of unfinished business.
The new movie is continuing on the relationship between Quinn Pensky (Erin Sanders) and Logan Reese (Mathew Underwood) and the friendships in the show, but Lola Martinez (Victoria Justice) is not included in the new movie.
Jayden Cervantes, a 10th grade student at WJPS claimed, “Personally I think the movie is more likable to the people who saw the show when they were younger.”
Amanda Rodriguez, a ninth grade student at WJPS said, “The movie was enjoyable because it gave me the conclusion the show failed to end with.”
“Nickelodeon balloon” by Gage Skidmore is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.