The Netflix film, Awake, is still available on the streaming service and is directed by Mark Raso. It is based on an apocalyptic world where people cannot sleep.
The movie follows a mother who is an ex-soldier who tries to protect her family all while she starts losing her sanity. This movie is around an hour and a half and great for those who love Sci-Fi, thriller and drama movies.
It stars Gina Rodriguez as she plays the role of the mother, Jill. This movie keeps audiences at the edge of their seats.
There were some jumps in the plot that made it a little confusing to follow the story, but it was easy to look over. The beginning of the movie was the hardest to follow as it felt rushed and threw the audience into the story without giving them time to comprehend where the story was going.
The movie was an overall easy watch and had an interesting plot. Although, it would have been better if the director and producers took a little bit more time developing the beginning of the story because it would have made the plot flow better.
I would give this movie an overall rating of 6/10.