Many WJPS students are on the lookout to seek employment after school.
According to the NYC.gov website, students ranging from ages 14-17 years old who wish to get a job must apply for and receive their working papers. If not, then they can not be employed. However, once a student turns 18 they no longer need these papers.
According to our wjps.org, our school website, in order for students to receive an employment eligibility paper, they must bring the following to the main office: a completed and signed application form, a legal document indicating proof of age, and a doctor’s note dated within the last 12 months stating that you are physically fit and in good health conditions to work.
WJPS senior, Nicholas Zuvich, commented, “It was very simple to get them. You just need to go to the main office with all the right paperwork and you’re good to go. I hope the school can be more informative about getting them, since most students don’t know how to.”
Frankie Mezzanote, WJPS junior, stated, “The process was very simple and the staff were very helpful when I came to get the papers.”
Any and all questions can be directed to the main office for help.