WJPS has now needed to re-enforce school policy for all students due to multiple violations against the rules. These new changes have upset some students.
These new issued rules do not allow students to bring personal technology to class, along with outside foods or drinks unless it is water in a clear see-through bottle, and no bathroom passes are allowed during first or eighth periods.
Dr. Werner, WJPS principal, stated that students need to be in class focused on learning to benefit their education.
She also stated that things such as personal technology and food can lead to multiple distractions in class and that some students are bringing not appropriate items into school grounds.
WJPS senior Nikolaos Zournatzoglou commented, “I think it’s unfair to implement so many rules because of the actions of some students.”
Dr. Werner stated the rules may have less restrictions if more students start becoming less distracted with non-school things.