When students are in lunch detention, the teacher that is with the students should use the detention period as a time for the students to be productive instead of just making them sit in silence.
Students should be able to use detention as an opportunity to catch up on missing assignments, help each other, and ask the teacher questions that they may be able to help them with.
If the students are repeating what they are doing wrong then they should get lunch detention every day during lunch.
WJPS assistant principal, Mr. Yarmy said, “Detention is useful, students do their work and use that time to finish missing work and stay. If students keep repeating what they are doing, we might have to contact their parents and talk to them about it.”
WJPS dean, Ms. McCloskey said, “If students don’t listen and stop doing what they are doing we’re going to have to talk to the students and see what’s the reason why they keep repeating what’s wrong.”