Some students in WJPS may suffer from mental health issues or other issues in their lives, which is why a therapist is needed in this school.
Having a therapist can give students the opportunity to express themselves and the problems they may be facing in a safe comforting space. Although we have a counselor and social worker, a therapist would be a great addition.
If a student is in need of mental support, but has no way to get support, their school work and grades may be affected due to their lack of attention to what’s going on because of what they may be dealing with in their lives. Also, students in school may get into altercations and a therapist may be able to help both sides resolve their problems and make peace.
WJPS junior, Isabella Montoya stated, “I feel like it would be good only if it’s confidential.”
WJPS sophomore, Amy Garcia stated, “I feel like there should be a therapist in this school because people need the support that they can’t get from a counselor.”
A solution to this problem would be to have the students of WJPS during class, with a teacher’s consent, be able to share their opinions about having a therapist to the principal and go from there.