Most teens use social media every single day in many ways and for many different reasons. This is a good thing for society. Some of the ways teens use it is to watch videos, post photos, look up information, and connect with family or friends. Others use it to keep themselves occupied when they are bored, or when trying to avoid doing chores or schoolwork. Still others may use social media for inappropriate reasons, such as bullying.
WJPS junior Sophia Turner said, “It’s not good or bad, it’s mostly about how you use it.”
WJPS junior Gabrielle Angel stated, “I think it depends on how you use social media. It could get out of hand so it mostly varies.”
Social media can negatively affect teens by being a distraction from what is happening around them and it can also disrupt their sleep, making it hard to focus in school. It can also affect their mental health by causing them to worry about how many “likes” their posts get, the way they look at themselves, and comparing themselves to others.
Social media can also be very positive as it allows friends who may live far away from each other to keep in contact and look up information on just about any topic in seconds. These platforms can help with schoolwork and general knowledge.
Looking at both sides, I feel that social media has more positive influences than negative, as long as it is used in the right way.