By: Gia Pipavassiliou, Opinion Reporter
Without the benefits of free time during school hours, some students may not have enough energy to get through the day, causing more incomplete assignments.
There is barely enough time to take in what you’ve learned and loosen up so that you can mentally prepare yourself for what comes next.
For our high school students, there are six straight classes before lunch, with no time to focus on ourselves or process what we’ve learned throughout each class.
WJPS sophomore, Darin Schachter stated, “I feel trapped because there is no time to chill and mostly back to back assignments. I think there would be a lot less stress, problems and missing work if we had free time.”
With only two minutes to get to our next class, many students are constantly frustrated and can feel overwhelmed. There is no time to organize and regain composure.
Another sophomore at WJPS, Isabella King also stated, “We have no time to catch up on our missing work.”
WJPS students can certainly benefit from free periods or some sort of leisure time. Not only can it assist students mentally, but also socially.