The class of 2023 is near graduation at WJPS. At this time, seniors are told they need to complete their resumes and ask for recommendation letters to prepare for the college or university that they want to apply for.
WJPS guidance counselor, Mr. Lumetta writes a recommendation letter for all seniors to the colleges they’re applying to. In the The Class of 2023 announcements Google Classroom, there is a senior brag sheet students need to fill in information about themselves.
After this form is submitted, there will be a follow-up interview for students to elaborate on their responses. This sheet helps the counselor to know more about the students so he can write a letter that is more fitting.
Emily Falsone, WJPS senior, said, “Cheesy questions like describing yourself in five words, or describing an event that impacted you, were harder to answer than expected. These sorts of questions caused me to contemplate what I was lacking in or needed to figure out.”
“We are the graduates and the role models for the other grades below us. It was fun to complete the brag sheet, it’s like a get-to-meet you assignment and your teachers can help you with things you are having trouble with.” stated WJPS senior, Thekli Chronis.