As WJPS students returned to school, they received new class schedules that remained consistent throughout the week with small changes in at most one period depending on the day.
For seniors this year, high school lunch happens to fall on their last period. According to school staff, seniors have the choice to either have lunch in the cafeteria or to leave early.
When they do choose to leave early, seniors usually finish their school day at the end of sixth period at 12:52 PM. However, if they choose to stay, they are able to eat lunch in the school cafeteria.
Due to the schedule change, WJPS seniors spend just under five hours at school instead of the usual six and a halfhours spent by the juniors, sophomores, and freshmen this year.
WJPS senior Nicolas Bahamon stated, “I personally enjoy the earlier leave, as it feels like less of a slog to get through each day. It also allows me to spend more time at home and relax.”
WJPS senior Claudio Corte noted, “I like the schedule change because now I have the option to leave earlier due to lunch giving my day more flexibility and time to focus on what I enjoy.”