WJPS is offering test preparation for Regents exams as the tests are fast approaching. Students are able to come early in the morning and in the afternoons to receive extra help.
Students are encouraged to take test prep for the exams to make sure they would not be unprepared and have a general idea of the test material.
Sonya Woodham, a junior at WJPS stated, “I think it’s great since it helps me so I don’t have to worry about what will be in the exam and I get informed on what will be on the exam.”
Acelin Lunetta, another WJPS junior, had also stated, “It’s good that the school gives test prep. It’s a way to help out students who are worried and want a little more help.”
WJPS junior Christina Merlino said, ”It’s honestly a big help if I even think I need more help on a subject that will be in the regents. I know that the school offers prep.”