With the recent school shooting occurring in Uvalde, Texas, students, teachers, and parents/guardians might be questioning the safety of WJPS.
School Safety Agent Ms.Saifun gave ideas to what the school can do in order to improve safety, “We need more safety agents at least by every entrance and we should also have officers from the local precinct pass by just to make sure students are safe.”
“Is anyone ever ready for something as horrible as that?” said WJPS school dean Mr. Maroney.
“I don’t think a shooting could happen even with the security now, New York City has a very strict gun policy,” stated WJPS junior Charlize Goicochea.
According to the nyc.gov website, people living within the five boroughs need to be at least 21 years of age, have submitted a license application, paid taxes and fees, and go through various background checks until they can be eligible to own firearms.