Due to the major increase in school shootings, the New York City Department of Education has announced that students will be safe in school due to strict safety protocols.
Each year, students practice evacuating with fire drills, they will have to exit the building until the school administrators clear the school in an event of a fire. Besides that, students have not been practicing any other safety drills.
Due to current events, for example, the Texas elementary school shooting, it has caused distress in students and parents about what steps the NYC Department Of Education will take to take more precautions and ensure the safety of schools.
Briana Pena, a junior in WJPS stated, “Honestly, I feel like the school should start making plans that can help us if an intruder comes in the school.”
Maria Sojos, another WJPS junior said, “Although the school district says that we are fine, that we don’t have to worry, are we really though?”
Schools should instruct students to be better prepared for the possibility of an intruder entering the school building. Better protocol plans should be made so that students and school staff will be aware of what to do while in an unfortunate situation. School officers should also start walking around buildings to make sure there are no suspicious activities and that all the doors in the building are secured.
“Stop Gun Violence” by Tony Webster is licensed under CC BY 2.0.