Disney and Pixar Animation Studios have released a new coming of age movie called “Turning Red.”
This movie focuses on a young girl named Meilin Lee, a Chinese-Canadian teenager with a big secret she’s scared of revealing to others. She transforms into a large red panda when filled with strong or overwhelming emotions.
This serves as rather difficult for Mei as she struggles through the process of puberty and the management of her double life.
Mei is burdened with the pressure of being perfect for her mother, whether by getting excellent grades in school or simply excelling in an extracurricular activities. However, Mei expresses her true self around her friends, with an increasing interest in boys.
The film highlights the process of self-acceptance and allowing oneself to be open towards the people they care about.
Most fans compare the movie to Disney’s “Encanto” because both films focus on generational pressure, fears correlated with puberty or acceptance, and the struggle to become vulnerable.
WJPS senior Trinity Andujar said, “I love the diversity and appreciation of other cultures. It attacked the problems that come with parents not being ready for their children to grow and how parents have such high expectations for them due to family trauma.”
WJPS junior Claudio Corte said, “I haven’t watched ‘Turning Red’, but I’m pretty interested because I’ve seen many trailers and posters everywhere. It genuinely looks like a fun movie.”
“Turning Red” is available to watch on Disney Plus.