The month of February is the time to be aware of heart health. People should monitor and maintain good cardiovascular health by eating healthy and exercising every day.
It’s essential to maintain a strong cardiovascular system, so here are some excellent ways to ensure your heart health:
Eat nutritious and filling food Exercise dailyMaintain a healthy weightQuit smoking and avoid breathing secondhand smoke Manage your stress levelVisit a doctor for annual appointments
It is vital for people to maintain a healthy diet and keep their weight in check.
According to Ms. Papazoglou, a teacher at WJPS, “For heart health awareness, people should look into the Dash diet. This is a way to monitor salt intake and keep healthy.”
People should also look out for warning signs of sickness and heart failure. Some signs and symptoms are:
Shortness of breath with activity or when lying downPhysical fatigue and weakness Swelling in the legs, ankles, and feet Reduced ability to exerciseRapid or irregular heartbeatPersistent cough or wheezing with white or pink blood-tinged mucus
It is critical for people to monitor their heart health condition, and if they find anything wrong, they should visit a doctor.
According to Ms. Paplow, guidance counselor at WJPS, “I think it’s important for all people to monitor their heart health as heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women. Young people can start taking care of themselves by eating healthy, exercising, and monitoring their stress levels.”
So this month, remember to take care of your heart, as that is one of the most essential organs of the human body. “pepper heart” by SummerTomato