There is a new animated drama Netflix series gaining the spotlight called Arcane. This nine-episode series is based on the game League of Legends.
League of Legends, commonly known as LoL, is a free-to-play team-based strategy game that was released in 2009 and has since then grown a player base of over 180 million players.
The Netflix series is a prequel to the game’s storyline and it stars many characters from the game itself.
Arcane has received a lot of recognition for its animation, LGBTQ+ representation, story, and attention to detail in character lore and design. It is newcomer friendly as new viewers can watch Arcane without having to play the game or read up on any lore of the characters shown.
Arcane was confirmed to have a second and third season, however, the release date has yet to be announced.
WJPS senior Nicole Freyeisen said, “I plan to watch it. I think it looks interesting. I don’t know much about League of Legends though, so I might look into it more before I actually see it.”
WJPS junior Claudio Corte said, “Arcane looks like a good show. I already really enjoy League of Legends, so I think it’ll be worth watching. I saw the preview on Netflix before, but I haven’t watched it yet.”
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