Imagine bumping into other students when you are hungry and want to eat. Plus, everyone is in each other’s space preventing social distancing. That’s exactly what the school cafeteria is like.
Anthony Cina, a WJPS junior stated, “They should’ve kept it when the grades were split up because now it’s too crowded.”
Andrea Nuñez, another WJPS junior commented, “I don’t like how everyone lines up for lunch at the same time because then they run out of food.”
WJPS dean Ms. McCloskey, said, “I feel like the lunch procedures are just fine.”
Ms. Ente, a WJPS school aide said, “No, I don’t think it’s crowded, I believe the lunch procedures are fine.”
If the school would separate the grades like it was done earlier in the year, the crowds would decrease.
Freshmen and sophomores should eat together while juniors and seniors should eat together. Then it wouldn’t be so crowded.