Aries is the first of all the zodiac signs. The sign’s time span is from the end of March to the end of April.
Aries is a loyal sign, but according to my family and friends who are Aries, most of them are really passionate about something or someone. I know Aries is a fire sign so I see why. The fire signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagitarrius.
Fire signs are passionate, brave, and loyal. The myth to the symbol is mainly about a golden ram saving two kids from their evil stepmom. The Aries constellation to me looks like a half-arch.
Emily Morales, a WJPS sixth grader said. “I love the Aries sign. One of my favorite streamers is an Aries.”
Ryla Roberts, another WJPS sixth grader said, “I don’t like the Aries sign. I don’t like it as much as the others. But I don’t hate it.”
Artist- Taylor Garcia