Schools are required to practice evacuation drills, formerly as fire drills, eight times every school year to prepare for the happening of accidents. During the drills students are not allowed to speak, and need to follow their teachers to orderly leave the building within the shortest possible time.
The person who first inspired the fire drill was an engineer named Carl Prinzler. It started in 1903, following the Chicago Iroquois Theater Fire when many people died because of a locked door.
Fire drills were invented to protect people’s lives. People need to have a concept of how to escape the building when fire is happening, and where to escape.
Drills are necessary, they do not take much time, and there is a chance to save a life.
Ms. Douvres, a WJPS science teacher said, “Yes, it’s very important because we practice for when we have a real emergency, we will know what to do.”
“I think it is important because we can know what to do when a fire really happens,” said Ashinda Fowler, a WJPS senior.
Fire drills now have a high guarantee of people staying alive, and it’s a relief that the tragedy in 1903 hasn’t happened today.