A new show has sparked the attention of many as Netflix’s new K-drama and thriller “Squid Game” takes the stage. The show has been considered to be among the top most popular as it peaked the No. 1 ranking on Netflix in the United States, United Kingdom, and South Korea.
“Squid Game” is often compared to “The Hunger Games” or “Black Mirror” for its similarities in story. The plot revolves around people suffering financial distress and participating in games for the sake of winning a big cash prize.
The concept captivated social media as many influencers and content creators on platforms such as Instagram or TikTok have begun making memes, skits, snacks, and even Halloween costime all inspired by the show.
Although the nine episode series was a hit, there has yet to be any confirmation of a second season of the show.
WJPS senior Trinity Andujar said, “Honestly, I thought it was a really good show. I don’t think the idea was original, but the execution was clean.”
Another WJPS senior, Stephany Lin, stated, “I’m considering watching it soon, but I’m scared it may be overhyped.”
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