As the Coronavirus continues to be an issue throughout the world, schools are encouraging students to bring their own device to school. Students can bring their own devices during school-time for taking notes or doing research.
Still, students can also write in their notebooks if they prefer writing more than typing. Taking notes digitally is just as efficient as taking notes physically.
Handwriting notes are easier for drawing diagrams and writing formulas or equations. It is also beneficial for improving memory when physically writing, therefore, you can remember it more easily when trying to recall the information.
While digital note taking can easily distract students and have technical issues, at the same time, using laptops can cause harm to the eyes.
WJPS junior Sam Monge agreed, “I prefer handwritten notes because I can easily retain things rather than copy and paste them into the document.”
Another WJPS junior Thekli Chronis said, “I say handwriting notes, because handwriting means to really write on paper and it means that you really remember what you write and understand it. For digital writing, you just type and don’t understand it.”
It is better to take notes by hand which can always help for memories and word recognition, in transforming information that leads to deeper understanding than the digital way.
No matter what way you use to take notes, it is always important to keep the notes organized and informational.
“Note Taking (79/365)” by Chung Ho Leung is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0