COVID-19 has taken an immense toll over people and their daily lives, especially students. Since there are restrictions and students have to wear masks during school hours, some may feel like it’s best that we go back to remote learning.
After being gone for a year and a half, it’s hard getting used to living the new norm. With everything going on, things don’t seem like they are getting better with COVID-19, so some students may feel like it’s best to stay and work from home and that it’s the best option.
Sonya Woodham, a junior at WJPS, said “If there is a COVID breakout, I feel that the best option would be to send everyone home, clear the building, maybe sanitize a bit more.”
Brianne Fitzgerald, a WJPS seventh grader, said, “I like remote learning more, it was easier since all I did was get up and just join my classes, I didn’t have to worry about being late or taking a bus to school.“
Even though it’s a good thing we’re back in school and trying to go back to how things were, it’s hard since we’re not used to being in person. I think it’s a good idea to shut down schools again and go back to remote learning until everyone is vaccinated.