In 2020 the COVID-19 outbreak struck and started to affect students and staff in school around the world. According to the United States Census Bureau, about 93% of students were learning online due to the closing of schools.
Some students don’t find learning through the computer as efficient as being in the physical classroom. Many also felt that they needed more one-on-one interaction with learning.
Students and staff not only have to adapt to being back in person, but they also have to overcome any obstacles that get in their way when returning to school.
Mrs. Bonanni, a teacher at WJPS said, “I needed to get my anxieties in check before coming back to school. I also needed to re-evaluate the way I have students working, we did a lot of group work in physics prior to COVID and I needed to find a way to scale that back”
Mrs. Eunji another WJPS teacher added, “I had to re-think a lot of things. Since students had limited interactions with other students, many students struggled to engage in the class discussions or interaction. I needed to think about ways to help students transition back to this in-person setting.”
These experiences may have shaped the future of teaching for students, teachers, other faculty and the school community.
Photo: “FBI Classroom” by billerickson is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0