The school year is starting to wrap up as students log on for the last time. They are finishing their last assignments and studying for any state or AP (advanced placement) exams.
Additionally, Mayor Bill de Blasio stated that he plans on reopening New York City on July 1st, and in September, schools will be fully in-person with no remote option.
The WJPS community reflects on the school year overall and gives their thoughts on what may come in the next school year.
Angelina Loiacono, a WJPS junior, said “My hope for next year is that things will be much better and that we will have the opportunity to learn as we did before.”
“This year was challenging because there were students that faced many challenges with the pandemic. I feel some others just gave up and that was disappointing to me. In life, we will face challenges we can’t just give up,” said WJPS teacher, Ms. Papazoglou.
The first day of school for 2021-2022 is scheduled for Monday, September 13th.
“Remote Learning” by danielfoster437 is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0