Theatregoers: be prepared because here are five theatre activities for you!
Head over to: 1. Broadway.com
This website will keep you up to date about all your favorite Broadway shows and stars. It’s free and many find it quite entertaining.
You can find videos and articles. Each day it is filled with new material and makes you feel part of the Broadway community.
There is a search option as well so you can check out specific actors or shows. If you are interested in a specific genre of theatre, you can find things with the click of your mouse. Of course this is no substitute for LIVE theatre, but it’s really fun and a great distraction. It’s available 24/7. Broadway Soundtracks And Broadway Production Pro-Shots
2. You can listen to the soundtracks of your favorite Broadway shows or watch a pro-shot of a production online or a streaming service at a variety of sites. You can even buy a pro-shot of a production from certain online sites.
3. Online Musical Productions By Fans And Fan-Made Musical Soundtracks
There are online productions and fan-made musical soundtracks available on YouTube.com. If you want to, you can even sing and dance along to the music.
4. Broadway Themed Crafts
If you want, you can create Broadway themed crafts. For example, make a Broadway mask. You can even make a theatre themed game.
5. Watch Hallmark Movies
You can watch Hallmark Channel movies. A lot of Broadway theatre actors are doing Hallmark movies due to the Broadway shutdown, so it’s easy to find some of your Broadway favorites there.
Hopefully, these suggestions will help theatregoers get through this difficult time until Broadway reopens.
Photo: Creative Commons “West Side Story” by Randy Le’Moine Photography is licensed under CC BY 2.0