By: Nicola Lasak, Opinion Reporter
Recently, the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) announced that the USMLE Step One exam will no longer be graded numerically and instead will be given a pass or fail evaluation.
If high schools and colleges would adapt this grading system towards testing students, there could be a significant improvment in the lowering of student stress levels.
In a study from the Danish Association of Masters and PhDs DM, a survey conducted at the University of Copenhagen stated that, for 76 percent of individuals, exams are big contributors towards stress.
Clearly, stress and exams have a positive correlation with each other, and since numerical grades are associated with a scale, the pressure to get the highest grade possible would increase students’ stress.
Additionally, it is important to note that if higher academia, including the USMLE, is making a change towards implementing a simplified grading system, this indicates the overall long-term insignificance of numerical test grades in school.
According to World Journalism Preparatory School senior, Lester Curo, “Pass or fail seems easier for me. It’s either you understand what is being taught or you don’t. I don’t have to worry if I’m borderline passing as long as I pass. If I fail then I just have to do credit repair for the class.”
Others had opposing views. WJPS senior Michie Liaw stated, “I feel we should have numerical grades because then I can properly assess myself. Having pass or fail grades would be nice and I probably wouldn’t feel as terrible, but I feel like if I don’t have the number there, I wouldn’t feel the need to improve. Pass or fail grading is non-motivational for me.”