Some WJPS students get away with cheating on tests or quizzes. Students have found many ways to cheat, including writing on their ankles, or using tiny post-its.
Cheating has reached a point that even the smartest kids are getting answers from people who took test classes before them. It’s not the fact that people are losing their intellect, it’s that the questions are getting extremely difficult to interpert than the ones we are used to practicing.
It’s also because students are getting lazier, which may not be their fault because students don’t have enough time to study. Students are too busy doing homework, having outside
school activities, or just because they don’t feel like doing it, they might as well take the easy way out.
From my experience, during tests, students would ask for answers because they found the subject to be too difficult for them. I could be biased because I’ve cheated from time to time because I would want to feel more confident with my own grades. If I were to ask students to help me cheat, I would ask for the answers when the teacher isn’t looking.
Kids Don’t Cheat!!!