In WJPS, we commonly use laptops to complete our tasks. We use an 11e 3rd Gen Lenovo Laptop which was manufactured in 2015. So, should our school upgrade its laptops?
Vipraal Budhram, a WJPS 11th grader said, “The school should not upgrade laptops because we have enough laptops and they can perform the necessary functions needed for education. It’s a waste of money and it should not be our priority.”
Alina Dervisevic, WJPS 11th grader said, “I think the school should update the laptops because the Lenovo laptop makes it really hard to type, they are really slow, and they are easily breakable. Sometimes they feel like a toy and it’s really difficult to handle sometimes and I know laptops are not cheap, but they should probably get new ones.”
If our school has extra funding, I think it should upgrade the laptops or let us bring our own laptops to school since these Lenovo laptops are terrible compared to today’s newest laptops. We can complete our classwork on these laptops, but these are really slow most of the time.