WJPS is a well put together school, but it needs some help when it comes to sports teams. Having to go all the way to Francis Lewis High School, playing on teams that don’t represent our school and having to play with people we don’t go to school with is too much of a trouble. We should be able to create our own teams.
Playing on Francis Lewis teams is a hassle because students are moving around to different schools just for practice. If we had our own teams, it would become a simpler process.
This would be a great advancement for this school and a much-needed upgrade which would help students be more active as well as achieve activities in their free time, Since we are a small school we would have to convince students to join the team and provide students with permission slips in order to travel to different locations to compete against other schools. This would increase the chances of our school becoming known as a great sports school.
A lot of work and planning would have to be put into this idea, but it is nothing we can’t do. This would improve our school in many ways. Just to be able to compete with other schools and have our own jerseys for WJPS would be a plus for our school. We would be able to represent our school in a meaningful way.