Being a high school student is already stressful enough, but being in New York while being a high school student is even harder. This is a state where we have to take seven required Regents exams.
Every year, depending on the teacher or the class, some students have finals even in a Regents class.
Many students begin to stress out towards the end of the year where they have to focus on many things. Making sure they do well on their tests, especially the Regents.
From experience, I believe that we should not be taking finals in Regents classes. I feel that taking a Regents is just like taking a final; everything that you learned during the school year is on there.
To stop this, we should have a conversation with our teachers to try and figure out a compromise.
“No, I don’t think so. I think the Regents are counted as a students final exam, I don’t see the point of a student taking a final exam. I think it puts extra stress on the student,” said Seth Breland, WJPS senior.
Others disagree like WJPS seventh grader, Keymara Jackson, “Yes, I think we should have finals because it helps you prepare for college.”