The largest playable area in Fallout with the most detail that you can enjoy with friends, yet reported to have less content and stability than previous entries.
This is what was advertised by Bethesda, versus what the game’s community thinks.
This is Fallout 76, the newest, yet most lacking Fallout game among fans as shown by the numerous online media posts labeling its issues.
To begin, Fallout 76 suffered from numerous stability issues, including areas where you could fall through the map, light passing through objects, and crashing issues.
The ingame Atomic Shop had Weapon Repair Kits and the Fridge item added. This went against Bethesda’s promise to keep the Atomic Shop items cosmetic only, as both items give players an advantage, making the game favor those with money to spend.
Bethesda later released Fallout 1st, a $100 subscription that gave access to options that players felt should have been in the base game, leading to a fan purchasing and editing the website to voice their criticisms.
Outside the game, fans were outraged over a misadvertized bag. Bethesda accidentally made customer information public when they requested a new bag.
Also, Promotional Nuka-Cola helmets grew dangerous amounts of mold, leading to a recall.
Most recently, Bethesda has postponed the requested Wastelander Update, which would add new NPCs and quests to the game, disappointing the fans who wanted more content in the game.