Lauren Jurasic, Community Reporter
The blood drive took place in the auditorium on January 15th for the whole day. There were refreshments, snacks, and a place to rest for those who donated blood. Both teachers and students signed up to provide blood.
The requirements for donating blood is you must be at least 16 years old with the attached parental permission form or 17 and older without parental permission. You must weigh at least 110 pounds, satisfy other height and weight requirements and not have already donated blood within the past 56 days.
Those who donated blood spent about an hour at the blood drive. After donating blood, participants were told to avoid lifting and pushing heavy objects or engaging in intense exercise for at least 24 hours.
WJPS senior, Yueyi Wu who donated blood said, “Physically I feel kind of dizzy, but I am alright. Last year I received an email saying you helped save Samantha and it felt really good knowing that my blood was helpful to someone in need.”