Brandon Gomez, Opinion Reporter
Colombia is struggling with a failing economy that is getting worse day by day. Starting out as a peaceful protest, Colombians marched and chanted demanding the government to stop draining money from the people.
Newly elected President Ivan Duque is being brainwashed by former President, Álvaro Uribe. He addresses all the economic issues, but doesn’t follow through with his promises.
This is mainly because Uribe controls Duque as his puppet. In the past, he has allowed the Revolutionary Armed Forces Of Colombia (FARC) to terrorize towns in Colombia, demanding money.
Many Colombians want the government to control these people and to not tolerate any of their violence. If negotiations with FARC and the government doesn’t go anywhere, a civil war seems inevitable.
Some families and citizens are caught in the crossfire between FARC and the government. FARC being known to use Guerilla warfare; looters and delinquents break into houses and stores robbing and destroying anything in their path.
What was once a peaceful country, is now a country in distress. The government of Colombia and Duque, must take action and prevent FARC from doing anymore damage to the communities.
Families should not question their safety in their own homes. FARC are terrorists and should be shut down immediately.