Many artists have their own ways to create their pieces. From paper and pencil, to the most expensive water color, there are many ways artists can draw. A common method is digital drawing.
There are many ways to digitally draw on different devices. A popular brand of drawing tablets are Wacom Tablets. They’re meant to be plugged into your computer and drawn using a drawing application of your choice. Most of the time, the Wacom Tablets don’t come with a screen and are solely meant for computer drawings.
There are different tablets for different skill levels of digital artistry. For example, the tablets provided with a screen could be easier to use for a beginner than one meant for computer drawing. Even tablets that are for entertainment purposes, like an iPad or Samsung tablet, may be a cheaper and more efficient alternative for beginner digital artists.
Some artists prefer digital drawing over traditional because there’s a lot more effects and techniques that a simple pencil or marker can’t do. It’s arguable that digital art requires more practice, but it’s always the artist’s preference whether or not they would like to take their style digital.