Recently, WJPS students were surprised to see mice appear during class. The first reported sighting was outside of Ms. Marks’ classroom.
AP Seminar students said that someone in Ms. Marks’ classroom exclaimed “there’s a mouse!” which then caused Ms. Marks to shout “No!”
Students then went outside to see the mouse, when it slipped through to Ms. Bonnani’s classroom.
WJPS junior Melissa Bobea said, “I lowkey wish that the school got infested so we won’t have to go to school for like a week.”
Then another small mouse (as photographed above) was found in Ms. Bonnani’s classroom, causing some students to panic.
Mrs. Bonnani told the class to calm down and proceeded to put a box over it and captured it.
“I think it’s disgusting and unsanitary,” said WJPS junior, Maria Arniotis.
Another junior, Jesenia Valderrama, stated, “It was funny the way everyone reacted to it because it was something so unexpected. I have a fear of rodents, but this one was kind of cute.”
WJPS assistant principal, Mr. Petrotta, said “It is a new phenomenon for our school, and we have absolutely made the custodian aware and he does have the exterminators coming to help eliminate the problem. We will continue to keep on top of the custodians to make sure an exterminator’s here to help alleviate the problem.”