World Journalism Preparatory School’s new school phone policy is the Phone Parking Lot.
Students are expected to place their phones in a pocket holder when they first arrive to class and are able to retrieve it at the end of the class period. Teachers have been enforcing the new school policy.
All students are expected to keep their cellular devices “off and away throughout the day” and in their lockers, but in case a student has forgotten to do so, they can keep their phone in their class’ Phone Parking Lot.
WJPS senior Kathrynn Montero said, “I think it’s a good idea, but I don’t think all the kids will enforce it. I think this is a good way to have my phone on me in class but not always get distracted by it.”
WJPS teacher Mr. Mengani, who first started the Phone Parking Lots at WJPS, stated, “I am flattered that all the teachers are using this in their classrooms now, but I would be lying if I took all the credit for this. I must’ve heard or read about this, but I wanted WJPS to have a way for students to have their phones in the classroom for class work, but avoid confiscation and distractions.”
Students are advised to follow this new school policy or, if they decide not to use the new system, to keep their phone away in their lockers.