You’re probably worried about your private online data if you’re reading this. Almost every day, we see news about a new data breach or privacy violation. Should we worry about our history of arrhythmia or the results of a recent blood test?
“I feel that it is acceptable since it is a person in the medical field. A doctor should be aware of their patient’s information relating to their health,” said WJPS junior Vipraal Budhram.
“I wouldn’t want anyone besides my family and myself to know about my personal medical history and treatments because it can affect where I work and if I was relatively unhealthy, I would get a lower-paying job and people would judge me by my health before making a decision about me,” said WJPS junior Shana Lin.
I think people shouldn’t be worried about their information being taken unauthorizedly. Your information is being put to good use in the medical field. It can help pharmaceutical scientists develop a new medicine to stop or treat an illness. Your information is being taken anonymously, so nobody will know about it.