WWII is one of history’s most troubled periods. However, some people feel that laughing at the past allows us to move on from past tragedies. Taika Waititi, is the director of Jojo Rabbit.
It’s a drama/comedy about a small German boy named Jojo, who discovers that his mother is hiding a jewish girl in their attic during the WWII era.
Jojo is enrolled in the Hitler Youth program, which is the youth organization of the Nazi party. Jojo’s imaginary friend is also a childish version of the Nazi leader and German dictator, Adolf Hitler.
Famous actresses such as, Scarlett Johannson who plays Rosie Betzler and Rebel Wilson who plays Fraulein Rahm star in the film. Taika Waititi himself is playing Hitler.
Motion Pictures has rated the movie PG-13. The film has been released and is inspired by the book, Caging Skies by Christina Leunons (2004) .
The film is currently trending and Waiti has said that he believes children are smarter than adults in viewing the understanding of the world around them. Jojo in the film tries to confront his ideology.